Nasal Septal Reconstruction or Sinus Surgery

1. Appointment: Your physician will advise you when to schedule your follow-up appointment. You may want someone to drive you for the appointment if you have taken narcotics.

2. Activity: Avoid strenuous activity; such as workouts and or sports after surgery. No bending, stooping or lifting over 10 pounds. Your physician will advise you when you can return to normal activity. During the healing phase, the septum can be injured if directly hit.

3. Medication: A prescription for pain medication may be given. Please take as directed. If you do not need the prescribed medication and want to take an over-the-counter medication, you may use the over-the-counter acetaminophen (Tylenol) as needed, do not exceed 4000 mg per day total. Use of ibuprofen may be allowed, please ask your physician before use.

4. Diet: A normal diet may be resumed after anesthesia has worn off. It is essential that you drink an adequate amount of fluids.

5. Temperature: If temperature is over 101 degrees orally, please call the office.

6. Bleeding: A mild amount of bloody mucous drainage can be expected for 24-72 hours after surgery. Do not swallow this drainage instead spit it out because it can cause nausea and vomiting. If you develop heavy bleeding from the nose, apply ice compresses; lie down with your head propped up on several pillows and try to relax. You may use a small piece of cotton ball soaked with Oxymetazoline (Afrin) nasal spray inserted into the nose. Leave in place 5-10 minutes. If bleeding becomes profuse or does not stop after trying the above measures, call the office.

7. Additional Information: Do not blow your nose until instructed to do so by your physician. You may gently sniff to clear your nose. If you must sneeze, do so with your mouth open to avoid excessive pressure in your nose. A small beside humidifier may be used for a few weeks after surgery to moisten the air you breathe and make your throat more comfortable.